An Independent Artist Creating Fine Sewn Braid Hats Out Of Frisco, Colorado


I stitch each and every hat myself, starting just with a strand of straw braid. I use an antique chainstitch sewing machine fitted with attachments made for this type of hatmaking. This is an old technique of hat construction that dates back to the 1800s. I add a contemporary element by shaping as I stitch. I do not use any premade forms or hat blocks, I approach each hat as an individual, unique sculpture.
Many of my cocktail hats reflect the light side of fashion and its capriciousness, and its power to alter a person when it is worn. I enjoy exploring the ability of fashion to change a person by the simple act of wearing clothing or an accessory such as a hat. It causes one to travel to another part of oneself or change one's personality without going anywhere.
I sell at art festivals all over the country, from Miami to Palm Springs and in between. I have done some work with galleries and boutiques, but enjoy selling directly to the wearer and see the hats go off to their new homes.

Many of my designs are
inspired by literary figures.
You can find the products under the
filter "style" on my shop page.
See which characters you like.

To see more, visit "Inside Look" page